Made in 48 hours for Ludum Dare 35

Left mouse button to drag cards
Middle mouse button to move the map


Cards can be dragged on the map to play them, they can only be played where marked. Each card uses energy which increases over time

Being a higher level will allow for better cards, the agent can level up by killing turrets. SHIFT can level up by placing rooms or passages

Cards can be dragged to the discard if they aren't wanted, their cost still has to be paid for though

The agent should try to get to the exit point at the bottom of the map, without being killed by the simulation

Walk to tile: The agent can move around the map
Gun: The agent can instantly destroy a turret of barricade with a gun, getter guns have more range
Bomb: Will destroy walls and damage turrets can be used to get closer to the exit
Shield: Shields protect the agent from a certain number of shots
Cloak: A cloak will prevent turrets from seeing the agent for a short time
Hack: Turrets can be hacked to destroy them instantly

The simulation should try to prevent the agent from escaping, it can only play cards on tiles closer to the exit than the agent

Rooms: Can be placed to increase the simulations level, but the agent will then be able to walk in it
Turrets: Will attack the agent if in range and the agent isn't cloaked, better turrets do more damage and have more health
Barricade: Can protect turrets against bombs

Made using:
-Visual Studio


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